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Купить OCEJWCD Study Companion: Certified Expert Java EE 6 Web Component Developer (Oracle Exam 1Z0-899), Charles Lyons

This book is a study guide for any candidate preparing for the Java EE Web Component Developer exam (Oracle Exam 1Z0-899). It contains the theory behind how the Web container works, and important notes, hints and tips on the types of ‘trick’ questions to look for in the exam. By combining logical and easy-to-follow discussions with clear visual aids and diagrams, you will wonder by the end of the book why servlets, JSPs and tag libraries seemed so complicated before! By combining the theory taught in this book with practical experience, you will not only succeed in passing the exam, but will do so confident that you are able to solve problems and draw-up solutions ‘on the job’. Reference Material Have you ever found that you couldn"t quite remember the names of the XML elements or attributes in the Deployment Descriptor or Tag Library Descriptor? Or perhaps you"ve had problems recalling custom tag life cycles? Not a problem! Helpful visual diagrams show ‘at a glance’ the important schemas, without having to resort to knowing the XML Schema or DTD languages, as used in the specifications. Who is this book suitable for? This guide assumes very basic prior knowledge of the Web container and the Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) core syntax. Servlets, JSPs and associated frameworks and Web application deployment are all presented beginning with the basic theory to ensure complete and thorough understanding. In addition, particular attention is devoted to the subjects of the Expression Language, custom tag libraries, annotations and asynchronous requests which are new or updated in the latest version of the exam. Key Features 1. Complete coverage of all objectives including annotations, modular deployment and AJAX support. 2. Authored by a Java developer who has helped thousands to pass the exam. 3. Theory introduced in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step manner. 4. Content split into manageable chapter sizes with clear objectives. 5. API details presented in condensed bulleted lists to make memorising easy. 6. Text reinforced with over 80 diagrams and figures to summarise key or difficult ideas. 7. 350 exam-style end of chapter questions with detailed answers. 8. One free online mock exam. Показать

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