Рецензии на книгу The Color Purple

"The Color Purple" is one of the strongest statements of how love transforms and cruelty disfigures the human spirit that this reviewer has ever read. Alice Walker gives us Celie, 14 years old when the book opens, who has been raped, abused, degraded and twice impregnated by her father. After he takes her children away from her without a so much as a word, he marries her off like a piece of chattel to her husband, who is so cold, distant and inhuman to her that she can only refer to him as Mr; and this person deprives her of her sister Nettie, the only one who ever loved her. Показать

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Путь Моргана

«Путь Моргана» Колин Маккалоу

Для меня книги делятся на две категории: те, которые заставляют задуматься, и те, которые заставляют искать дополнительную информацию о том, о чем ты никогда не задумывался. Вот «Путь... Читать далее

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