Рецензии на книгу Building Services Handbook

Building Services Handbook summarises the application of all common elements of building services practice, technique and procedure, to provide an essential information resource for students as well as practitioners working in building services, building management and the facilities administration and maintenance sectors of the construction industry. Information is presented in the highly illustrated and accessible style of the best-selling companion title "Building Construction Handbook".
This new edition contains extended information on water system components, control systems for hot water and heating, ventilation and air conditioning, drainage, gas appliance flues and further examples of design calculations. It has been revised and expanded to take into account recent amendments to the Building Regulations Approved Documents and guidance from British and European Standards. Online lecture facilities include PowerPoint slides illustrating a selection of services areas, providing key diagrams for use with presentations and handouts.
The comprehensive reference for all construction and building services students, Building Services Handbook is ideal for a wide range of courses including NVQ and BTEC National through Higher National Certificate and Diploma to Foundation and three-year Degree level. The clear illustrations and complementary references to industry Standards combine essential guidance with a resource base for further reading and development of specific topics. Показать

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