Отзывы о книге Relentless

When Cubby Greenwich receives a scathing review for his latest bestseller by the feared and therefore revered critic Shearman Waxx, he is determined to take no notice of it. But Fate carries him right into Waxx"s path.
What began as an innocent and unexpected encounter is about to trigger an inferno of violence. For Shearman Waxx is not merely a ferocious literary enemy, but a ruthless sociopath, and now he is intent on destroying Cubby and everything he holds dear: his home, his wife, his young son, and every hope he had in the world.
The terror has only just begun, and it will be relentless... Показать

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Путь Моргана

«Путь Моргана» Колин Маккалоу

Для меня книги делятся на две категории: те, которые заставляют задуматься, и те, которые заставляют искать дополнительную информацию о том, о чем ты никогда не задумывался. Вот «Путь... Читать далее

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