Life: Christmas Around the World

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  • ISBN:1932273506
  • Год:2004

More than two millennia ago, a child was born in the village of Bethlehem, and from this event grew, first, a devoted cult, then a dedicated following, then a religion that is today the world+s largest: Christianity. The celebration of Christ+s birth is a glorious holiday. It is beautiful, warm, festive, joyous, sweet and steeped in tradition. Life captures in words and vibrant pictures the customs of Christmas everywhere, from Sinterklass in Holland to the observance of the winter solstice at England+s Stonehenge to the origins of this great day in the Holy Land. On Christmas, the world rejoices and reflects. Here, Life does too, in this special commemorative edition - Christmas Around The World. Обо всём этом и не только в книге Life: Christmas Around the World (Editors of Life Magazine)

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