Wireless Hacking: Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts

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  • ISBN:193183637x
  • Год:2004

Wherever You Go, There You Are!

  • Build, Deploy and Maintain a "Homebrew" Wi-Fi Network
  • Create a Low-Cost/High-Yield Development Roadmap for Wireless Enthusiasts, Households, Small Businesses and Community Groups
  • Custome Wireless Operating Systems, Install Antennas, Build Solar-Powered Access Points and More
A few years ago, wireless internet access was just a glint in the eyes of the IT industry. Today, most notebook PCs ship with built-in Wi-Fi capability,nd Wi-Fi access points have become as important as the espresso machines at the neighborhood Starbucks. Wireless Hacking provides a low-cost/high-yield blueprint for wireless enthusiasts, households, small businesses and communities. After readinghis book, you will be able to build, deploy and maintain a "homebrew" Wi-Fi network. And if you just want some geek fun, Wireless Hacking won"t disappoint. You will be challenged! Written by members of the pioneering SoCalFreeNet Wireless Users Gup, Wireless Hacking delivers a series of interrelated projects, with full integration of both hardware and software hacks. Some of the wireless hacks in this book include:
  • Use existing Ethernet cables to provide low-voltage power to Aess Points with no additional source of electricity.
  • Install Linux and FreeBSD on low-cost (under $150) Soekris single-board computers.
  • Modify the firmware of your Linksys WRT54g.
  • Construct Solar Powered Access Points and Reaters for your Wi-Fi network.
  • WarDrive for wireless access points with tools like Kismet and NetStumbler.
  • Install an antenna without killing yourself or changing the earth"s orbit.
  • Expand your Wi-Fi network beyond one box a 50 users with MESH network topology.
...Many more hacks and modifications inside! CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK INCLUDE Part 1: Introduction to Wireless Hacking 1: Wireless Background 2: SoCalFreeNet.org: Building Large Scale Community Wiress Networks 3: Securing Our Wireless Community Part 2: Hardware Projects 4: 802.11 Access Points 5: 802.11 Client Cards Part 3: Software Projects 6: Wireless Operating Systems 7: Monitoring the Network 8: Low-Cost Commercial Options 9: Mesh Nworks Part 4: Antennas and Outdoor Enclosure Projects 10: Antennas 11: Building Outdoor Enclosures and Antenna Masts 12: Solar Powered Access Points and Repeaters Обо всём этом и не только в книге Wireless Hacking: Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts (Lee Barken, Eric Bermel, John Eder, Matt Fanady, Alan Koebrick, Michael Mee, Marc Palumbo)

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