1831-1906 Celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of Wesleyan University (Classic Reprint)

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Excerpt from 1831-1906 Celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of Wesleyan University

Introduction: Preliminary 3 Programme of Commencement Week. 5 The Celebration 7 Sunday Mornings June 24. Baccalaureate Sermon: President Bradford Paul Raymond. 19Sunday Evening. Address: Professor William North Rice. 31Tuesday Afternoon, June 26. Commencement Luncheon 55 Addresses: Professor Caleb Thomas Winchester. 55 Bishop Cyrus David Koss 60 Judge Arthur Eugene Sutherland. 65 Reverend Daniel Dorchester, Jr. 68Professor Charles Hubbard Judd. 74 Professor Charles Macau lay Stuart. 78 Tuesday Evening. Address: Honorable Martin Augustine Knapp. 87 Wednesday, June 2. Commencement. Addresses: Stephen Henry Olin. 109 President Herbert Welch.

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