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  • ISBN:9781583335734
  • Год:2015

Growing up on a farm in New Hampshire, Abel James ran wild and ate everything. Fresh zucchini in August, huckleberries by the fishing spot, kale all year round. But when he moved to the big city, he started eating a "modern diet" off the supermarket shelves. A steady diet of processed foods soon took its toll, and by the time Abel hit his early twenties, it showed. Abel had high blood pressure, insomnia, acne, digestive problems, love handles, you name it. Abel's doctor recommended a low-cholesterol, calorie-restricted diet and frequent exercise, so Abel gritted his teeth and took to running 30 miles per week and nibbling low-fat food that tasted like cardboard. But he just kept getting sicker. His blood pressure and cholesterol skyrocketed and he gained weight faster than ever. At age 24, he had the body and energy of a 60-year old. As his life spun out of control, Abel decided to take the reins. He dug into nutrition research, scouring hundreds of scientific studies, devouring... Обо всём этом и не только в книге WILD DIET, THE (JAMES, ABEL)

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