Anne of Green Gables & Anne of Avonlea
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- Издательство:Wordsworth Classics
- ISBN:9781853261398
- Год:2008
When the Cuthberts send to an orphanage for a boy to help them at Green Gables, their farm in Canada, they are astonished when a talkative little girl steps off the train. Anne, red-headed, pugnacious and incurably romantic, causes chaos at Green Gables and in the village. But her wit and good nature endears her to the residents. Обо всём этом и не только в книге Anne of Green Gables & Anne of Avonlea (L. M. Montgomery)
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« Pat was always like that about her clothes. She wore them until they simply wouldn't look at her because they were so dear to her she couldn't bear to give them up. She hated her new duds until she had worn them for a few weeks. Then she turned around and loved them fiercely, too.
» (L. M. Montgomery)