(Fraction Stir Welding)-principles of applied welding technology

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  • ISBN:9783846513613
  • Год:2011

"Fraction Stir Welding" is written by a group of students at shoubra faculty of engineering -Arabic Republic of Egypt-.work out "Fraction Stir Welding" gives you all the essential information covered by introductory under graduate courses in Welding. the key features of this book are learning through worked examples and through practice, with particular emphasis on the application of theory. Author.......................................... "Mahmoud Kamel Semary", student at shoubra faculty of engineering-A.R.E-in department of mechanical engineering ,is now visiting lecturer at central meteorological research development institute -Egypt-. He is the author of introduction to casting technology, and Co-author of Non Destructive Testing with( Dr. Prof. Ibrahim musa). *Titles in this series in the local market in Egypt:- .1-casting engineering. 2-principles of applied welding technology.. .3-introduction to sheet metal work. 4-engineering materials. Обо всём этом и не только в книге (Fraction Stir Welding)-principles of applied welding technology (Mahmoud Kamel Semary and Ibrahiem Mousa)

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