Easy Steps to Chinese for kids 4B: Workbook

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Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids is a series of Chinese textbooks specifically designed for kids from non-Chinese backgrounds. It covers four levels, each made up of Textbooks a and b (each with a CD), Workbooks a and b, a set of color picture flashcards (for students) and a set of word cards (for teachers).
This series has four characters in it, namely Ding Yi, Tian Li, Jingjing and Lele, who are primary school students from China and abroad. Beautifully designed illustrations, simple sentences and dialogues and lovely songs among other means are adopted to develop the kids’ interest in learning Chinese and help them lay a solid Chinese foundation by mastering such fundamental Chinese knowledge as numbers, basic strokes, families and daily expressions. In each volume, a cultural point is introduced through exquisite illustrations, concise words and interesting color stickers.
This is Workbook 4b in the series, which has beautiful illustrations and abundant exercises and is printed in full color. It has altogether 7 lessons encompassing such topics as weather, clothes, actions/behaviors in progress, school facilities, school subjects and sports, etc. Supporting Textbook 4b, this book makes an overall review of pinyin and provides exercises on both the new radicals and the radicals learned in 4a. With a good variety of exercises, such as matching, sentence making, translation, drawing and paragraph writing, it enables students to achieve a solid grasp of the contents taught in the textbook and to put them into practice as well. Обо всём этом и не только в книге Easy Steps to Chinese for kids 4B: Workbook (Yamin Ma, Xinying Li)

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