The Langoliers
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- Издательство:Hodder
- ISBN:9781529379211
- Год:2021
The flight attendants were gone; almost all the passengers were gone; Brian Engle was willing to bet the 767's two-man cockpit crew was also gone. He believed Flight 29 was heading east on automatic pilot. On a red-eye flight from L. A. to Boston, ten passengers wake up to discover everyone else has disappeared. Brian Engle, a trained pilot, remembers something about a strange aurora borealis and turbulence reports over the desert. Now he has to try to land the plane. But the safe haven of Bangor airport is not what it seems. It's eerily empty. The clocks have stopped. The food and drink is tasteless. The fuel doesn't burn. And the sound, like 'radio static', is getting closer. Craig Toomy, an investment banker, believes he knows what's coming. The Langoliers. Which means time is, quite literally, running out . . . A spine-tingling, propulsive novella, The Langoliers is a brilliant read from the masterful Stephen King. Обо всём этом и не только в книге The Langoliers (S. King)
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5Лично для меня эта книга - уже настоящая классика. Читана и перечитана несколько раз, в том числе в оригинале и даже (внезапно) на французском языке.Оригинал рекомендую к прочтению всем, кто любит произведения Стивена Кинга. Видеть текст таким... Читать далее