Pat of Silver Bush

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  • Издательство:Sourcebooks
  • ISBN:9781402289248
  • Год:2014

«If ye hadn't been seeing innything but his head ye cudn't have told whether he was a man or a bat. /Judy/»

There's no place like home

Do fairies really come for the dish of milk we leave them? Is Mrs. McClenahan really a witch? How is it possible to find a new baby in a bed of parsley? These are all questions Pat Gardiner wants to know. And it seems her Irish housekeeper, the incomparable Judy Plum, always has an answer...

For Pat, there is no place more magical on earth than her home of Silver Bush, with its majestic birch trees and enchanting gardens. If it were up to her, nothing there would ever change. But of course if nothing changed, she'd never get a new baby sister, see her Aunt Hazel's wedding, or meet the only boy who truly understands her. Yes, there is change coming for Pat―some of it joyous and some of it heartbreaking. But no matter what, he favorite house in the world will always be waiting for her... Обо всём этом и не только в книге Pat of Silver Bush (L. M. Montgomery)

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«Pat was always like that about her clothes. She wore them until they simply wouldn't look at her because they were so dear to her she couldn't bear to give them up. She hated her new duds until she had worn them for a few weeks. Then she turned around and loved them fiercely, too.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

«Marrying's a trouble and not marrying's a trouble and I sticks to the trouble I knows. /Judy/»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

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