Creating Web Pages with HTML Simplified
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- ISBN:0471786470
- Год:2006
Are you new to computers? Does new technology make you nervous? Relax! You"re holding in your hands the easiest guide ever to creating Web pages with HTML--a book that skips the long-winded explanations and shows you how things work. All you have to do is open the book, follow Chip, your friendly guide--and discover just how easy it is to get up to speed.
"Since I have purchased your books, I can honestly say that I do understand some of the mechanics behind this wonderful creation of the computer world. Thank you for making it a lot easier to learn the basics."
--Allan Black (Woodlawn, Ontario, Canada)
* "Simplify It" sidebars offer real-world advice
* A friendly character called Chip introduces each task
* Full-color screen shots walk you through step by step
* Self-contained, two-page lessons make learning a snap Обо всём этом и не только в книге Creating Web Pages with HTML Simplified (Sherry Willard Kinkoph)
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