Lee Friedlander: Family

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  • ISBN:1881337189
  • Год:2004

Book DescriptionLike most fathers, Lee Friedlander has made photographs of his wife and children throughout their lives together. Unlike most fathers, Friedlander happens to be one of the greatest living photographers. In Family, Friedlander departs from his well-known terrain of the open road and the city street, focusing instead on his wife, Maria, his children and (later) his grandchildren. The result is an intimate narrative of a family"s complex life, from 1958 to the present. The subjects are natural and unaffected in front of the ever-present lens, and the pictures make it clear that Friedlander"s camera was a constant presence in the home, a natural extension of the artist himself. Over and over Friedlander recognized in an instantthings that were precious and universal, yet specific to his own situation. Friedlander has done us a great honor by publishing these images. The inventive design of Family enhances the integrity of Friedlander"s family album. I ask myself, what is this Family book? Is it our own family album? Is it our pictorial biography? Does this book tell us whether we are, to paraphrase Tolstoy in Anna Karenina, one of those happy families that are all alike or an unhappy family that is unhappyin its own way? Maybe a bit of all of the above, and yet none completely. --Maria Friedlander

Foreword by Maria Friedlander.

Hardcover, 10 x 10.25 in. / 144 pgs / 192 duotones. Обо всём этом и не только в книге Lee Friedlander: Family (Lee Friedlander)

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