Learn to Draw Disney: Favorite Fairies: Learn to draw the magical world of Tinker Bell, Silver Mist, Rosetta, and all of your favorite Disney Fairies! (Licensed Learn to Draw)

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  • ISBN:1600582982
  • Год:2012

Pixie dust, magic, and friendship come together in the enchanted world of Disney Fairies. And now artists of all ages can bring life to Tinker Bell, Silvermist, Rosetta, and all their fairy friends with the help of this learn-to-draw book! Easy-to-follow illustrations help both kids and adults create colorful characters, step by step, regardless of your skill level. And helpful tips and tricks from professional Disney animators will have anybody drawing pixies like the pros in no time. Обо всём этом и не только в книге Learn to Draw Disney: Favorite Fairies: Learn to draw the magical world of Tinker Bell, Silver Mist, Rosetta, and all of your favorite Disney Fairies! (Licensed Learn to Draw) (Disney Storybook Artists)

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