Alan Lee, все книги автора
Alan Lee
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The Hobbit - illustrated hardback
Sumptuous, oversized hardback edition of the beloved children';s classic, fully illustrated with over 60 watercolour and pencil illustrations by award-winning artist, Alan Lee. J.R.R. Tolkien';s great classic work, The Hobbit, celebrated its 60th year of publication (1937) with a gorgeous...
Lord of the Rings Sketchbook The
В 3 магазинах по цене от 3276
A sumptuous large-format hardback containing sketches and paintings from the illustrated Lord of the Rings, together with brand new and previously unseen material.In this large-format hardback Alan Lee reveals in pictures and in words how he created the images in the authorised illustrated edition...
Wireless Hacking: Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts
Wherever You Go, There You Are! Build, Deploy and Maintain a "Homebrew" Wi-Fi Network Create a Low-Cost/High-Yield Development Roadmap for Wireless Enthusiasts, Households, Small Businesses and Community Groups Custome Wireless Operating Systems, Install Antennas, Build Solar-Powered...