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Charlotte Makhlouf, все книги автора

Charlotte Makhlouf

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Getting to Grips with English Grammar, Year 5. Developing Grammar and Punctuation through Reading and Writing

The underlying premise of the Getting to Grips with English Grammar scheme is that pupils need to see how authors use grammar and have opportunities to use it in their own writing for them to truly understand it. Throughout the series, entertaining reading passages introduce pupils to key grammar...

Getting to Grips with English Grammar, Year 6. Developing Grammar and Punctuation through Reading and Writing

The underlying premise of the Getting to Grips with English Grammar scheme is that pupils need to see how authors use grammar and have opportunities to use it in their own writing for them to truly understand it. Throughout the series, entertaining reading passages introduce pupils to key grammar...

Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension, Year 4 (2nd Edition)

The Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension series (2nd Edition) addresses the Programmes of Study for reading comprehension in the new (2014) national curriculum for England. The importance of being able to read for meaning should never be underestimated. The ability to decode text is not...

Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension, Year 1 (2nd Edition)

The Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension series (2nd Edition) addresses the Programmes of Study for reading comprehension in the new (2014) national curriculum for England. The importance of being able to read for meaning should never be underestimated. The ability to decode text is not...

Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension, Year 2 (2nd Edition)

The Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension series (2nd Edition) addresses the Programmes of Study for reading comprehension in the new (2014) national curriculum for England. The importance of being able to read for meaning should never be underestimated. The ability to decode text is not...

Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension, Year 3 (2nd Edition)

В 2 магазинах по цене от 4461 до 4536

The Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension series (2nd Edition) addresses the Programmes of Study for reading comprehension in the new (2014) national curriculum for England. The importance of being able to read for meaning should never be underestimated. The ability to decode text is not...

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Наиболее популярные темы в книгах автора Charlotte Makhlouf

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«Фауст» Иоганн Вольфганг Гете

Коль Гёте потратил 60 лет на написание своего "Фауста", то и я могу потратить одну свою субботу на написание отзыва. А на чтение я потратила месяц - в день страниц по... Читать далее

Ирина75 Ирина751 день 5 часов 24 минуты назад

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