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Diana Wynne Jones, все книги автора

Diana Wynne Jones

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Howl's Moving Castle

В 1 магазине по цене 1431

In the land of Ingary, such things as spells, invisible cloaks, and seven-league boots were everyday things. The Witch of the Waste was another matter. After fifty years of quiet, it was rumored that the Witch was about to terrorize the country again. So when a moving black castle, blowing dark...

Conrad’s Fate

Шестая книга из мира Крестоманси. Конрад Тесдник был самым обыкновенным мальчиком, жил с сестрой и мамой на содержании дяди в книжной лавке, но однажды всё изменилось. Его дядя, который помимо торговли книг был сведущ в колдовстве, предрёк племяннику, что через год тот умрёт, если только...

Deep Secret

Starscape , 2002

Rupert Venables is a Magid. It';s a Magid';s job to oversee what goes on in the vast Multiverse. Actually, Rupert is really only a junior Magid. But he';s got a king-sized problem. Rupert';s territory includes Earth and the Empire of Korfyros. When his mentor dies Rupert must find a replacement...

The Magicians of Caprona


В 2 магазинах по цене от 1371

The Dukedom of Caprona is a place where music is enchantment and spells are as slippery as spaghetti. The magical business is run by two great spell-houses - one owned by the Montana family, the other by the Petrocchis - and they are deadly rivals. So when all the spells starts going wrong, they...

The Spellcoats

Tanaqui, and her brothers and sister, are left alone to fend for themselves. But the people in the village turn against them. They must flee their home and begin a terrifying journey to the sea. BLDiana Wynne Jones is recognized as being one of the most outstanding writers of fantasy in recent...

The Pinhoe Egg


В 3 магазинах по цене от 690 до 1371

Spells always have consequences and it"s Chrestomanci"s job to make sure everything is safely under control. Even so, in the village around Chrestomanci Castle, all sorts of secret magical misuse is going on. And when Cat Chant finds the Pinhoe egg, chaos is just the beginning! Формат...

The Lives of Christopher Chant


В 2 магазинах по цене от 1215

When Christopher Chant learns that he has nine lives and is destined to be the next Chrestomanci, he"s not very pleased. He much rather play cricket and explore his secret dream worlds, full of strange treasures, magical creatures and exotic temples. When an evil smuggler, known as The Wraith...

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«Фауст» Иоганн Вольфганг Гете

Коль Гёте потратил 60 лет на написание своего "Фауста", то и я могу потратить одну свою субботу на написание отзыва. А на чтение я потратила месяц - в день страниц по... Читать далее

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