Editor Julius Wiedemann, все книги автора
Editor Julius Wiedemann
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Logo Design
What"s your sign? The world"s best logo designs. Everybody knows that brand identity is key. A good logo can glamorize just about anything, so it comes as no surprise that logo design is a crucial step in the development of a product or service. This exhaustive guide brings together...
Illustration Now! Volume 2
Following the success of "Illustration Now!", this installment presents a new selection of illustrators from all around the world on a budget price. Whereas the first volume brought together a fascinating mix of star illustrators and brand new faces that together formed the face of...
Brand Identity Now!
An essential reference work for brand builders. With in-depth case studies of leading projects from around the world, "Brand Identity Now!" is destined to be a major work of reference for designers, marketing professionals, and anyone working in communications. The book examines logos...
Logo Design: Volume 2
In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, you"ll find over 2,000 logos as well as special case-study features on brand identities such as MTV and Wrangler. Top design and branding offices featured include MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan...
Web Design: Flashfolios
Following up on the success of "Web Design: Portfolios", this volume features the Internet"s best examples of artists, design studios, photographers, designers, and corporations that use Flash to showcase their creations. What once existed only in printed form is increasingly being...
Illustration Now!
From magazines and newspapers to ads, websites, album covers, and even mobile phone wallpaper, illustration is a crucial element in visual communication today. With unlimited creative possibilities, illustration is as unbound as imagination itself; whether it"s a simple pencil drawing, an...
Web Design: E-commerce
Have you ever bought online? Or better, how often do you buy online? Even if you have never bought online, you know that in fact all the stuff available to us "offline" is managed and mostly ordered online. Some years ago, with the rise of broadband and the popularisation of digital means...
Web Design: Music Sites
Good vibrations: the best online music resources. The internet has become a major player in today`s music market, especially thanks to online sales from sources such as iTunes; while most web music sales sites boast around 40,000 songs, iTunes offers over 1.3 million-with 25,000 new songs being...
Advertising Now. Online (+ DVD-ROM)
Ads in cyberspace: the best campaigns on the web today. This second installment in Taschen`s advertising series joins Advertising Now! Print and the forthcoming Advertising Now! Films to provide a complete study of commercial communication in the world today. Divided into chapters by subject (from...
Web Design: Studios
When you surf the web and find a particular website you like, you probably ask yourself who designed it, and how. Brains are the most important assets for making the web dynamic and interesting. The use of the right tools can create the right
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Наиболее популярные темы в книгах автора Editor Julius Wiedemann
Здесь представлены темы, наиболее часто упоминаемые в книгах этого автора и интересные пользователям проекта.
— дизайн интерьера— юриспруденция
— разное
— изобразительное искусство
— графический дизайн