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Editors of Life Magazine
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Life: Heaven on Earth: 100 Places to See in Your Lifetime
В 1 магазине по цене 2892
From the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx to the mysteries of Easter Island and Stonehenge, the editors of Life draw on the worlds finest photography to reveal why you must include these truly special 100 places in your lifes itinerary.Drink in the kaleidoscope that is Australias Great Barrier Reef and...
Life: The Platinum Anniversary Collection: 70 Years of Extraordinary Photography
В 1 магазине по цене 1493
For seven decades, Life has been thrilling the world with its unrivaled presentation of the very best photography to be found. Here, the editors have assembled the crme de la crme from the magazines vast collection of images.Because Life has always dealt with matters of every sort, the entire...
Life: Christmas Around the World
В 1 магазине по цене 3037
More than two millennia ago, a child was born in the village of Bethlehem, and from this event grew, first, a devoted cult, then a dedicated following, then a religion that is today the world+s largest: Christianity. The celebration of Christ+s birth is a glorious holiday. It is beautiful, warm...
Life: Our National Parks : Celebrating America's Natural Splendor
В 1 магазине по цене 1551
Book Descriptionhere are 56 of them, from sea to shining sea, from Maine"s Acadia to California"s Redwoods, from Washington State"s Olympic to Florida"s Everglades. Each of them is more beautiful than the last, and each of them is visited in this specialedition of LIFE.Come with...
Life: In Hollywood
В 1 магазине по цене 624
Book Descriptionn 1927, the same year that The Jazz Singer became the first "talkie", a group of film and studio visionaries organized The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.What the Academy began in 1927 has led to a 75 year parade of glitz, glamour, stars, stargazing, envy...
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— фотография— фото эссе
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