
Eita Mizuno, все книги автора

Eita Mizuno

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Spiral, Vol. 8: The Bonds of Reasoning (v. 8)


Despite thorough planning and preparation, the offensive against Kanon is not going well. Bruised and broken, Rio, Ryouko, and Kousuke are no closer to reaching Kanon than when they started. But Ayumu"s trusty information-gathering sidekick is ready and willing to help out. Now they know where...

Spiral, Vol. 2: The Bonds of Reasoning

Yen Press , 2008

World-class detective Kiyotaka Narumis last words prior to his sudden disappearance continue to haunt his younger brother, Ayumu. The cheeky tenth-grader becomes further embroiled in the mystery when he is mistaken for the prime suspect in a murder at hisschool. Led by Ayumus sister-in-law...

Spiral, Vol. 3: The Bonds of Reasoning

Yen Press , 2008

When one of Ayumu"s teachers promises to give him a few clues about the Blade Children, the deceptively cute Rio, one of the Blade Children herself, ruthlessly murders the man in broad daylight. Faced with another brutal murder to solve and one step close to finding out what the Blade Children...

Spiral, Vol. 1: The Bonds of Reasoning

Yen Press , 2007

"I"m going to uncover the mystery of the "Blade Children."" World-class detective Kiyotaka Narumi"s last words prior to his sudden disappearance continue to haunt his younger brother, Ayumu. The cheeky 10th-grader becomes further embroiled in the mystery when he is...

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«Фауст» Иоганн Вольфганг Гете

Коль Гёте потратил 60 лет на написание своего "Фауста", то и я могу потратить одну свою субботу на написание отзыва. А на чтение я потратила месяц - в день страниц по... Читать далее

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