Erik Banks, все книги автора
Erik Banks
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Finance. The basics
Finance: The Basics is a clear and practical introduction to the world of finance, allowing the reader to grasp relevant financial concepts and apply them to daily activities and studies. This fully revised and updated edition captures the most important aspects of a changing financial landscape...
Practical Risk Management
В 1 магазине по цене 17292
A proven way to manage risk in today's business world Understanding how the risk process works is a critical concept that business professionals must come to learn. For those who must understand the fundamentals of risk management quickly, without getting caught up in jargon, theory...
Risk Culture: A Practical Guide to Building and Strengthening the Fabric of Risk Management
В 1 магазине по цене 6729
Risk, or the uncertainty regarding a future event or outcome, characterizes much of what banks, industrial corporations, and governmental agencies must deal with on a daily basis. Indeed, failure to recognize, quantify and manage risk can lead to sometimes significant problems. The very fact that...
Dark Pools: The Structure and Future of Off-Exchange Trading and Liquidity (Finance and Capital Markets)
В 1 магазине по цене 23842
Dark Pools is a practical text dealing with the increasingly important topic of dark pools, or non-displayed, off-exchange trading and liquidity. It discusses the development of the equity trading marketplace over the past two decades and how dark pools may evolve in a post-financial crisis world.
Synthetic and Structured Assets (The Wiley Finance Series)
В 1 магазине по цене 7623
Organized along product lines, the book will analyze many of the original classes of structured assets, including mortgage- and asset-backed securities and strips, as well as the newest structured and synthetic instruments, including exchange-traded funds, credit derivative-based collateralized...
Financial Lexicon : A Compendium of Financial Definitions, Terminology, Jargon and Slang (Finance and Capital Markets)
В 1 магазине по цене 28773
Book DescriptionFinancial Lexicon is intended as a comprehensive financial reference book that explains the formal and informal terminology of finance. Structured as a dictionary, the book will contain clear and detailed explanations of common banking, finance and investment terms. It will include...
Liquidity Risk : Managing Asset and Funding Risks (Finance and Capital Markets)
В 1 магазине по цене 28619
Liquidity risk is the risk of loss arising from an inability to quickly realize asset value or obtain funding and can be damaging if not properly considered or actively managed. Lack of liquidity can lead to large losses in asset/liability portfolios and off balance sheet activities and in extreme...
The Simple Rules of Risk : Revisiting the Art of Financial Risk Management (The Wiley Finance Series)
В 1 магазине по цене 6504
In an age where companies and financial institutions are keenly focusing on managing the financial risk of their operations, the implementation of quantitative methods and models has been of tremendous help, allowing firms to analyze and manage their risk more efficiently and effectively. However...
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Наиболее популярные темы в книгах автора Erik Banks
Здесь представлены темы, наиболее часто упоминаемые в книгах этого автора и интересные пользователям проекта.
— финансы— банковское дело
— инвестиции
— микроэкономика
— оценочная деятельность