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Hand-Book of a Collection of Chinese Porcelains Loaned by James a Garland (Classic Reprint)
В 1 магазине по цене 925
Excerpt from Hand-Book of a Collection of Chinese Porcelains Loaned by James a GarlandThis Hand-book is necessarily limited in scope, and is not intended for the solution of vexed questions, nor in any way to supersede the more elaborate treatises on Chinese ceramics.The Garland Collection now on...
Letter of James Garland, to His Constituents (Classic Reprint)
Excerpt from Letter of James Garland, to His ConstituentsThe number of subordinate officers at the discretion of the four principals. - This will be the beginning, but what will be the end none can with certainty predict; but judging of the future by the past, I augur nothing preservative of our...
Code of practice of Louisiana, with annotations of Henry L. Garland, jr., esp., and an appendix, giving all the amendments to articles of the code to and including the session of 1900, and al
Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской орфографии издания 1901 года (издательство "New Orleans, La., F. F. Hansell & bro., ltd.").
Religious instruction in state schools; statement prepared by the Rev. Canon D.J. Garland for the Education Committee of the Parliament of New Zealand
В 2 магазинах по цене от 850 до 894
Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской орфографии.
The beach
The Khao San Road, Bangkok -- first stop for the hordes of rootless young Westerners traveling in Southeast Asia. On Richard';s first night there, in a low-budget guest house, a fellow traveler slashes his wrists, bequeathing to Richard a meticulously drawn map to "the Beach." The...
Critical Thinking Skills. 11 Proven Strategies To Improve Decision Making And Problem Solving Skills
В 3 магазинах по цене от 1363 до 1868
Is It Always A Disaster When It Comes To Problem Solving? Finding hard to think right in important situationsDoes your job require lots of thinking?Always regret making the wrong decisions?Discover what is critical thinking? Through emotional techniques, critical thinking, mind mapping, and digging...
Large-Scale Software Architecture
В 1 магазине по цене 6398
The purpose of large-scale software architecture is to capture and describe practical representations to make development teams more effective. In this book the authors show how to utilise software architecture as a tool to guide the development instead of capturing the architectural details after...
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— классическая и современная проза