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Jeff Savage
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Tim Lincecum (Amazing Athletes)
В 1 магазине по цене 3415
At 5"11"" and 165 pounds, San Francisco Giants pitcher Tim Lincecum is much smaller than the usual Major League Baseball player, Growing up in Renton, Washington, Tim was told he was too small to be a star athlete, He proved people wrong by winning the National League Cy Young Award...
Tim Tebow (Amazing Athletes)
В 1 магазине по цене 2956
When Tim Tebow left the University of Florida in 2010, many people didn"t think he would be good enough to play quarterback in the National Football League (NFL). Tim helped the Florida Gators become national champions in 2006 and 2008, and he won the Heisman Trophy in 2007 as college...
Clay Matthews (Amazing Athletes)
В 1 магазине по цене 1145
Green Bay Packers linebacker Clay Matthews has had incredible success in just a few years in the National Football League (NFL). When he was named to the 2009-2010 Pro Bowl, he became the first Packers rookie since 1978 to be selected for the game. In 2010-2011, Clay led the Green Bay defense to...
Ryan Howard (Amazing Athletes)
В 1 магазине по цене 1107
Pitchers feel nervous when Philadelphia Phillies slugger Ryan Howard steps to the plate, When he hits a baseball, it often flies over the outfield fence, Ryan proved that he was one of the game"s best players when he led his team to victory in the 2008 World Series, In 2011, he helped the...
Calvin Johnson (Amazing Athletes)
В 1 магазине по цене 1116
Wide receiver Calvin Johnson was chosen by the Detroit Lions with the second pick in the 2007 National Football League (NFL) draft. Most people expected him to be a star?and they were right. Calvin scored a touchdown for Detroit in his first NFL game. In 2011, Calvin set an NFL record by scoring...
Peyton Manning (Amazing Athletes)
В 1 магазине по цене 3272
Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning is one of the most successful players in NFL history. Chosen by the Indianapolis Colts with the first pick in the 1998 NFL draft, Peyton earned a reputation for being one of the league"s smartest quarterbacks. He led his team to victory in the 2007...
Chris Paul (Amazing Athletes)
В 1 магазине по цене 2819
In his first year of professional basketball, Chris Paul led all NBA players in steals and was named Rookie of the Year. The New Orleans Hornets" point guard is a huge star, but basketball has not always been easy for Chris. As a freshman in high school he stood just five feet tall and spent...
Ladainian Tomlinson (Amazing Athletes)
В 1 магазине по цене 2819
Who would have thought that a poor kid from Rosebud, Texas, would grow up to break National Football League (NFL) records and earn the Most Valuable Player title? Success didn"t come easily to San Diego Chargers" running back LaDainian Tomlinson. But despite injury and personal loss...
Наиболее популярные темы в книгах автора Jeff Savage
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