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John Le Carre

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The Spy Who Came in from the Cold


В 2 магазинах по цене от 1637 до 1767

For Leamas the espionage business has become an hermetic, enclosed world, detached from outside reality. He has watched his last agent being shot, crossing from East to West Berlin, and his death marks the end of the Circus" East German network. But

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

В 3 магазинах по цене от 3466 до 5586

A mole, implanted by Moscow Centre, has infiltrated the highest ranks of the British Intelligence Service, almost destroying it in the process. And so former spymaster George Smiley has been brought out of retirement in order to hunt down the traitor at the very heart of the Circus - even though it...

A Small Town in Germany

Scribner , 2002

John le Carré';s classic novels deftly navigate readers through the intricate shadow worlds of international espionage with unsurpassed skill and knowledge, and have earned him unprecedented worldwide acclaim. A man is missing. Harting, refugee background, a Junior Something in the British...

The Naive and Sentimental Lover

В 3 магазинах по цене от 3466 до 5586

Aldo Cassidy is a cautious man. He has a pleasant family, drives a safe, expensive car and wears luxurious clothes. But his soothing existence is upended when he meets Shamus and Helen - a dazzling, bohemian couple who are everything he is not. As he is drawn into their reckless and unpredictable...

Smileys People

В 2 магазинах по цене от 5006 до 5092

A very junior agent answers Vladimir’s call, but it could have been the Chief of the Circus himself. No one at the British Secret Service considers the old spy to be anything except a senile has-been who can’t give up the game—until he’s shot in the face at point-blank range. Although George Smiley...

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на английском языке
поступления - 2008 г
мистика и триллеры

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Самая популярная цитата, наиболее часто добавляемая нашими пользователями из книг автора John Le Carre.

«It’s a little difficult to know when to trust you people and when not.»

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Тобол. Мало избранных

«Тобол. Мало избранных» Алексей Иванов

Сибирская эпопея Алексея Иванова «Тобол» - книга многогранная, многоуровневая, имеет несколько важных сюжетных линий и главных персонажей. Каждый, кто читает эти тома, невольно выбирает... Читать далее

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