John Sandford, все книги автора
John Sandford
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Bad Blood
Another brilliant Virgil Flowers thriller from the #1 "New York Times" bestselling author. One late fall Sunday in southern Minnesota, a farmer brings a load of soybeans to a local grain elevator- and a young man hits him on the head with, was it a steel bar?, and then drops him into...
Holy Ghost
Wheatfield, Minnesota - a metropolis of seven hundred souls. The word "moribund" might have been invented for Wheatfield. Nothing ever happened there and nothing ever would—until the mayor of sorts (campaign slogan: "I';ll Do What I Can") and a buddy come up with a scheme to put...
Deep Freeze
Class reunions: a time for memories—good, bad, and, as Virgil Flowers is about to find out, sometimes deadly—in this "New York Times" bestselling thriller from John Sandford. Virgil knows the town of Trippton, Minnesota a little too well. A few years back, he investigated the...
Escape Clause
The first storm comes from, of all places, the Minnesota Zoo. Two large, and very rare, Amur tigers have vanished from their cage, and authorities are worried sick that they’ve been stolen to be sold for body parts. Traditional Chinese medicine prizes the parts for home remedies, and people will do...
In Southeast Minnesota, down on the Mississippi, a school board meeting is coming to an end. The board chair announces that the rest of the meeting will be closed, due to a personnel issue. “Issue” is the correct word. It';s also an understatement. The proposal up for a vote is whether to authorize...
Storm Front
In Israel, a man clutching a backpack searches desperately for a boat. No more than a few days later, Virgil Flowers in Minnesota gets a message from Lucas Davenport, "You';re about to get a visitor." It';s an Israeli cop, and she';s chasing a man who smuggled out an extraordinary...
Mad River
They thought they were Bonnie and Clyde. And what';s-his-name, the sidekick. Three teenagers with dead-end lives, chips on their shoulders, and guns. The first person they killed was a woman during a robbery. The second was incidental. Simply in the way. Then? Hell, why not keep on going? It';s...
Rough Country
Virgil Flowers has always been known for having a somewhat active, er, social life, but he';s probably not going to be getting too many opportunities for that during his new case. While competing in a fishing tournament in a remote area of northern Minnesota, he gets a call from Lucas Davenport to...
Наиболее популярные темы в книгах автора John Sandford
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— мистика и триллеры
— литература на иностранных языках
— современный зарубежный детектив