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Kelley Armstrong

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The Awakening

If you had met me a few weeks ago, you probably would have described me as an average teenage girl — someone normal. Now my life has changed forever and I';m as far away from normal as it gets. A living science experiment — not only can I see ghosts, but I was genetically altered by a sinister...

The Reckoning

The nail-biting climax to Kelley Armstrong';s bestselling Darkest Powers trilogy Chloe Saunders is fifteen and would love to be normal. Unfortunately, Chloe happens to be a genetically engineered necromancer who can raise the dead without even trying. She and her equally gifted (or should that be...

Living With the Dead

Orbit , 2009

Robyn Peltier has never done anything out of the ordinary. So when her new boss is murdered and she is named prime suspect, she finds herself way out of her depth. Only her best friend Hope Adams, and Hope"s somewhat spooky boyfriend Karl, are on her side. What Robyn doesn"t realise is...

Personal Demon

Orbit , 2009

Hope Adams inherited her Bollywood princess looks from her mother. From her demon father she inherited a hunger for chaos, and a talent for finding it. When the head of the powerful Cortez Cabal asks her to infiltrate a gang of supernaturals in Miami, Hope can"t resist the excitement. But...



In this thrilling new novel from the author of Industrial Magic , a pregnant werewolf may have unwittingly unleashed Jack the Ripper on twenty-first-century–and become his next target.Ever since she discovered she’s pregnant, Elena Michaels has been on edge. After all, she’s never heard of another...



It was in Bitten , Kelley Armstrong’s debut novel, that thirty-year-old Elena Michaels came to terms with her feral appetites and claimed the proud identity of a beautiful, successful woman—and the only living female werewolf. In Stolen , on a mission for her own elite pack, she is lured into the...

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Сфинкс-2  / Загадки истории от Марко Поло до Распутина /

«Сфинкс-2 / Загадки истории от Марко Поло до Распутина /» Х.-К. Хуф

Книга “Сфинкс. Загадка истории” в оригинале изданная группой немецких авторов под руководством Ханса-Кристиана Хуфа, и пролежавшая у меня дома около 20 лет, прежде чем я за неё всерьез... Читать далее

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