Pierre Assouline, все книги автора
Pierre Assouline
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Les invités
Un dîner, de nos jours, dans la grande bourgeoisie parisienne. Afin de séduire son invité d';honneur - un puissant homme d';affaires étranger - la maîtresse de maison a convié ses amis les plus remarquables. Mais à la dernière minute, l';un d';entre eux se...
Herge. The Man Who Created Tintin
В 1 магазине по цене 859
Timed to coincide with Steven Spielberg"s long-awaited film The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn, here is the first full biography of Негде available for an English-speaking audience, offering a captivating portrait of a man who revolutionized the art of comics. Granted...
Double vie
В 1 магазине по цене 669
"lis avaient conscience que, apres s"etre simplement aimes, ils s"aimaient encore. Quand il leur arrivait de ne plus s"aimer, ils s"accommodaient de la situation. Non plus par instinct, ni par hantise de l"inconnu, mais par calcul: les raisons de rester ensemble...
Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Biography
В 1 магазине по цене 2503
The first full biography ever publisheda vivid portrait of this complex, curious, brilliant man.The twentieth century was the century of the imageand Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) was the eye of the century.Through the decades, this eye focused on Africa in the 1920s, the tragic...
Discovering Impressionism : The Life of Paul Durand-Ruel (Mark Magowan Books)
В 1 магазине по цене 1775
Paul Durand-Ruel (1831-1922) is widely credited as the dealer who "made" the professional careers of Renoir, Degas, Manet, Monet, Sisley, Pissarro, Puvis de Chavannes, and other painters of fin-de-siècle Paris. Driven by the conviction that the work of the Impressionists was an...
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