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My First Farm
В 4 магазинах по цене от 531 до 2164
Make learning first farm animals, vehicles, and words fun for babies with 16 colourful flashcards to develop early language skills. With a vibrant image on every flashcard, these sturdy picture cards are ideal for preschool play. My First Farm flashcards have talking points on the back of each card...
First 100 Numbers
В 4 магазинах по цене от 541 до 2062
A first numbers book for babies and toddlers. Featuring over 100 clear, sharp photographs with text labels to help develop children’s number recognition and counting skills. A fantastic new addition to Priddy’s bestselling First 100 Board Books series - a simple, timeless design in a big, durable...
Activity Flash Cards Phonics
В 1 магазине по цене 510
These flash card sets will allow children to practise their skills over and over again to reinforce learning. The activities will encourage reading and writing skills along with honing letter formation and spelling. Packed in a plastic wallet with a wipe clean pen.
Activity Flash Cards Sight Words
В 3 магазинах по цене от 387 до 1626
These flash card sets will allow children to practise their skills over and over again to reinforce learning. The activities will encourage reading and writing skills along with honing letter formation and spelling. Packed in a plastic wallet with a wipe clean pen.
First Grammar
В 1 магазине по цене 613
A new addition to the bestselling Wipe Clean Workbooks series, packed with early learning exercises. The book has wipe-clean pages, and comes with a wipe-clean pen, so that the activities inside can be completed, wiped away and repeated time and time again.
Activity Flash Cards Numbers
В 3 магазинах по цене от 400 до 423
These flash card sets will allow children to practise their skills over and over again to reinforce learning. The activities will encourage reading and writing skills along with honing letter formation and spelling. Packed in a plastic wallet with a wipe clean pen.
В 4 магазинах по цене от 465 до 1734
A practical workbook introducing phonics. Full of simple activities and exercises to encourage learning about sounds, including starting sounds, matching sounds, middle sounds and rhyming sounds. Pages wipe clean so that exercises can be repeated again and again. Includes wipe-clean pen.
Reading and Rhyme
В 2 магазинах по цене от 613 до 3632
Help your child master the reading and rhyme skills they need for key stage one and watch as their confidence with their reading and writing skills grows, with wipe-clean workbook with dry-wipe pen. The fun activities are written by a primary school educational specialist and compliment the school...
First 100 Words
В 1 магазине по цене 700
A board book of words. Packed with over 100 first words to learn and bright, vibrant pictures that babies will love to look at!
My First 1000 Words
В 3 магазинах по цене от 876 до 1324
My First 1000 Words is a photographic book with bright, colourful images and a wide range of themes that children will easily recognise. Combining visually stimulating images and large, simple first words, this engrossing title has everything you need to introduce children to new concepts. With...