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Wendy Wren
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Macmillan English 2: Practice Book (+ CD-ROM)
В 1 магазине по цене 2320
Macmillan English is the first International English coursebook to be informed by English lessons in native speaker classrooms. It is designed for second language learners of English but uses many of the approaches to reading, writing and speaking that underpin the teaching of English to first...
English Practice Book: Level 5 (+ CD-ROM)
В 1 магазине по цене 2872
Macmillan English is the first International English coursebook to be informed by English lessons in native speaker classrooms. It is designed for second language learners of English but uses many of the approaches to reading, writing and speaking that underpin the teaching of English to first...
English World 10: Teacher's Digibook DVD
В 1 магазине по цене 7583
English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active...
Macmillan English 2: Language Book
В 1 магазине по цене 2275
Macmillan English is a six-level Primary English course which meets the needs of today';s children. It recognises that proficiency in English is an essential part of modern life, and that early exposure to rich and genuine language allows young learners to move confidently towards native speaker...
Macmillan English 4: Practice Book (+ CD-ROM)
В 1 магазине по цене 1825
Macmillan English is the first International English coursebook to be informed by English lessons in native speaker classrooms. It is designed for second language learners of English but uses many of the approaches to reading, writing and speaking that underpin the teaching of English to first...
English World: Level 10: Pupil's Book
В 1 магазине по цене 1534
English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active...