William Shakespeare, все книги автора
William Shakespeare
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The Collected Works of William Shakespeare
В 1 магазине по цене 106
This comprehensive eBook presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 8460 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • The Complete Works of William Shakespeare • Hamlet, Prince of Denmark • The Tragedy of Romeo and...
The Winter's Tale. a tragicomedy play by William Shakespeare
The Winter';s Tale is a play by William Shakespeare originally published in the First Folio of 1623. Although it was grouped among the comedies, many modern editors have relabelled the play as one of Shakespeare';s late romances. Some critics consider it to be one of Shakespeare';s "problem...
Obras de William Shakespeare; Volume II
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright...
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
"I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed." -William Shakespeare Arm yourself with this volume from the Knickerbocker Classic series, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, including 16 comedies, 10 histories, 12 tragedies and all the poems and sonnets of...
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Наиболее популярные темы в книгах автора William Shakespeare
Здесь представлены темы, наиболее часто упоминаемые в книгах этого автора и интересные пользователям проекта.
— всемирная история— общие работы по всемирной истории
— поэзия
— разговорники
— немецкий язык
Самая популярная цитата из книг автора William Shakespeare
Самая популярная цитата, наиболее часто добавляемая нашими пользователями из книг автора William Shakespeare.
«"There may be in the cup / A spider steeped, and one may drink, depart, / And yet partake no venom, for his knowledge / Is not infected: but if one present / Th' abhorred ingredient to his eye, make known / How he hath drunk, he cracks his gorge, his sides, / With violent hefts. I have drunk, and seen the spider."»
все цитаты автора