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Xinying Li
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Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids 4B: Textbook (W/CD) (English and Chinese Edition)
В 4 магазинах по цене от 1736 до 5954
Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids is a series of Chinese textbooks specifically designed for kids from non-Chinese backgrounds. It covers four levels, each of which is made up of two volumes: a and b (each with a CD). This series has four characters in it, namely Ding Yi, Tian Li, Jingjing and Lele...
Easy Steps to Chinese 2: Picture Cards
EASY STEPS TO CHINESE adopts a new approach to teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It is designed for both primary and secondary school students who are taking Chinese exams, such as GCSE/IGCSE/AS (U.K.), SAT ll/AP (U.S.A.), IB Chinese Language B Standard Level, or for those students who are...
Easy Steps to Chinese: Stage 3: Picture Flashcard
"Easy Steps to Chinese" adopts a new approach to teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It is designed for both primary and secondary school students who are taking Chinese exams, such as GCSE/IGCSE/AS (U.K.), SAT ll/AP (U.S.A.), IB Chinese Language B, or for those students who are...
Easy Steps to Chinese for kids 4A: Workbook
В 4 магазинах по цене от 1392 до 1989
Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids is a series of Chinese textbooks specifically designed for kids from non-Chinese backgrounds. It covers four levels, each made up of Textbooks a and b (each with a CD), Workbooks a and b, a set of color picture flashcards (for students) and a set of word cards (for...
Easy Steps to Chinese 7: Teacher's Book
В 1 магазине по цене 3100
This is the teacher’s book accompanying Easy Steps to Chinese-Textbook 7, which can be used by teachers to prepare lessons. There are answers to most of the exercises in the textbook and supplementary materials for some exercises as well, which will provide teachers with more testing materials.The...
Easy Steps to Chinese for kids 4B: Workbook
В 3 магазинах по цене от 1686 до 2409
Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids is a series of Chinese textbooks specifically designed for kids from non-Chinese backgrounds. It covers four levels, each made up of Textbooks a and b (each with a CD), Workbooks a and b, a set of color picture flashcards (for students) and a set of word cards (for...