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Xinying Li

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Easy Steps to Chinese for kids 2A: Workbook

В 4 магазинах по цене от 1422 до 2017

Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids is a series of Chinese textbooks specifically designed for kids from non-Chinese backgrounds. It covers four levels, each made up of Textbooks a and b (each with a CD), Workbooks a and b, a set of color picture flashcards (for students) and a set of word cards (for...

Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids 1B: Workbook

В 3 магазинах по цене от 3879 до 4258

Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids is a series of Chinese textbooks specifically designed for kids from non-Chinese backgrounds. It covers four levels, each of which is made up of two volumes: a and b (each with a CD). This series has four characters in it, namely Ding Yi, Tian Li, Jingjing and Lele...

Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids: Workbook: 1a

В 2 магазинах по цене от 2039 до 4711

This series aims to teach the very basic foundation of writing Chinese characters. Specially designed for primary students who are taking Chinese lessons the first time. The students will be able to write 100 simple characters Recognize over 500 Chinese characters Develop early listening and...

Easy Steps to Chinese for kids 2A Word Cards

BLCUP , 2012

This is Word Cards volume supporting Textbook 2a, and is suitable for teachers to use in the classroom. Each card has a word on one side and the pinyin of the word on the other.

Easy Steps to Chinese 6: Teacher's Book

В 1 магазине по цене 2917

This is the teacher’s book accompanying Easy Steps to ChineseTextbook 6, which can be consulted by teachers to prepare lessons. There are answers to most exercises in the textbook. It also includes supplementary materials for some exercises, which will provide teachers with more testing...

Easy Steps to Chinese for kids 2B: Workbook

В 4 магазинах по цене от 1734 до 2409

Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids is a series of Chinese textbooks specifically designed for kids from non-Chinese backgrounds. It covers four levels, each of which is made up of two volumes: a and b (each with a CD). This series has four characters in it, namely Ding Yi, Tian Li, Jingjing and Lele...

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Преступление и наказание

«Преступление и наказание» Федор Михайлович Достоевский

Некоторые книги можно и нужно перечитывать. В каждом возрасте прочтения книга раскрывается новыми гранями, откликается по-своему, сообразно опыту читающего и новизне его впечатлений. Я... Читать далее

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