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Купить Superman: The Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel, Daniel Wallace

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It"s Superman the Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel Superman the Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel takes you on a journey spanning worlds, ages and countless adventures. Follow Superman"s entire career, with full details of his powers, battles, loves, allies and of course, his enemies. How was Superman created? Where did he come from? Just what is his deal with Kryptonite? Created in full collaboration with DC Comics and packed with original comic book art, join the most "super" hero of them all and see how he has developed over the past 70 years. A timeline of events from his life follows the twists and turns of his career at the Daily Planet, his battles with Lex Luthor, Darkseid and Doomsday and his relationship with Lois Lane. For the die-hard Superman fan, or for those who are in the first stages of their journey to Krypton, Superman the Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel is the complete package. Показать

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