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Купить The Cult of the Saints, Peter Brown

A stimulating look at the rise of the cult of the saints, weaving it within its social and cultural context. A beautifully written book" (Catholic Herald). `This book, besides being scholarly, is immensely readable and profoundly rewarding for anyone interested in Christianity"s brave attempt to "join heaven and earth" in a whole that is both familiar and holy" (Church Times). `Its style is that of the orator, full of grace and glory, carrying an audience along into a rich and many-coloured world where a seventeenth-century lyric of profane love provides a chapter heading to a discussion of early Christian tombs, and present-day dealings with a fqih in Morocco proves a parallel for appeals to the saints in the late antique world" (New Blackfriars). Показать

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Путь Моргана

«Путь Моргана» Колин Маккалоу

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