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Купить Under the Greenwood Tree or the Mellstock Quire - A Rural Painting of the Dutch School

This book contains Thomas Hardy's heart-warming love story, 'Under the Greenwood Tree'. It is a traditional narrative of love rivalry that runs parallel to a tale of the plight of a group of musicians who are made redundant by the church's acquisition of a new organ. Relatively short compared to Hardy's other works, this is an easy read wherein the reader constantly hopes for the success of the lover's efforts in the face of continual adversity. Thomas Hardy, OM (1840 - 1928) was an English novelist and poet. Some of Hardy's notable works include 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' (1891), 'Far from the Madding Crowd' (1874), and 'The Return of the Native' (1878). We are republishing this book now in an affordable, modern edition complete with a new biography of the author. Показать

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