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Купить The Lyrical Poems of Dante Alighieri (Classic Reprint), Dante Alighieri

Excerpt from The Lyrical Poems of Dante Alighieri

The following are the only translations which have appeared, in English, of the Lyrical Poems of Dante. The greater part of them were published in 1835, under the title of The Canzoniere of Dante, Italian and English, and comprehended all those given by Professor Arrivabene, in the Amori eRime di Dante (Mantova1823); to that collection are now added a few from Professor Karl Wittes Dante Alighieris Lyrische Gedichte (Leipzig1842) ;and others from the Opere Minori di Dante (Firenze1834), by P.J. Fraticelli. The poems of the Vita Nuova and Convito have been carefully revised, and the Canzoniere has been divided into two parts. Part 1. containing the genuine poems of Dante; Part 2. the doubtful ones. In selecting the former, I have followed Fraticelli. Among the latter are included not only those which he considers doubtful, but others which he pronounces to be spurious, and thinks he has traced to their proper authors. They have all been printed in the name of Dante, at various times, from well known ancient Mss. which give his name to them; and the question of authenticity as to some in Part 2. is far from settled. In the present edition (in deference to the publisher) the Italian text has been omitted. This, the translator has reason to regret, as it would afford a ready apology for much that is strange or obscure. It may be presumed, however, that the reader who is disposed to confront the translation with the original, will not be unprovided with the works of Dante.

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