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Купить Behind Students’ Writing Assignments: Apprehension and Blocking, Fatemeh Mohseniasl

Writing as a communicative activity imposes great difficulties on EFL learners and both cognitive and affective aspects of writing have a sharing part in this complex process. Apprehension and blocking as two prominent factors, due to their adverse effect on learning language are more challenging for EFL learners as they write in a new language system. The present book tries to provide insights on the importance of these two phenomena specifically in the EFL context. This book allude to the role of strategy instruction, the saliency of explicit writing strategy use, prewriting strategies in particular, in relieving many problems that may arise from overlooking affective and cognitive aspects of writing. It further emphasized that the implementation of explicit writing instruction as a solution can make a world of difference for students in the process of learning. Finally, this book contributes to look at EFL writing in a new perspective, to rethink of other factors which may play... Показать

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