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Купить Michael Kenna: Images of the Seventh Day / Michael Kenna: Immagini del settimo giorno

A beautifully designed monograph surveying the works of the highly acclaimed contemporary photographer. Kennas photographs captivate viewers through their silent drama and magnetism: rather than being accurate descriptions of a place, the photographer seems interested in capturing the invisible lines which enclose space, and in so doing arousing a viewers imagination and reverie. Michael Kenna is an artist for whom the subject is above all the opportunity for a tremendous but constant variation in his view of the world. "Whether they are of Abu Dhabi, California, Egypt or Emilia, all of the images he produces are lit with a constant physical light and sentiment; elements that this photographer seems to always have with him the way he does with his camera bag, and through which all he wants to do is observe the world. I find such an aesthetic to be more that of a painter than a photographer somehow. Better yet, that of a post-documentary or neo-pictorialist photographer, who... Показать

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Путь Моргана

«Путь Моргана» Колин Маккалоу

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