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Купить Vadim Zakharov: Postscript after RIP: A Video Archive of Moscow Artists’ Exhibitions 1989–2014: Camera, Installation, Archive, Vadim Zakharov, Kate Fowle, Sven Spieker

Artist Vadim Zakharov’s video archive - produced over the last 25 years - offers a unique overview of the Moscow Conceptualists, as well as their predecessors and immediate successors, through recording the exhibitions in Moscow and the West that made public the protagonists who formed this community. Charting the first shows of these underground Russian artists during perestroika - when the boom of interest came from the West - through to the emergence of the post-Soviet condition, wherein the community both came of age and fractured, the Archive includes documentation of over 230 solo and group exhibitions that took place in Russia and abroad from 1989 to 2014. With footage of more than 180 shows that took place in cities such as Paris, Cologne, New York, Rome, Milan, and Berlin, the archive offers an unprecedented, nuanced, and singular view of an era when exhibition-making became the central lens through which artists could communicate with an audience they otherwise... Показать

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