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Купить Smart Things to Know About Business (Smart Things to Know About (Stay Smart!) Series), James Leibert

Book DescriptionIt"s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books about business. A quick glance at the shelves of any bookstore presents a cacophany of advice, fads and panaceas. It"s about time someone sifted through it all to provide a clear picture of what business is really about and to highlight the rare nuggets of valuable insight.

Smart Things to Know About Business is the book you"ve been looking for - it guides you past the hype and the jargon to show you how every part of a successful business contributes to just a few, simple goals. James Leibert takes you on a high-speed tour of the smartest business ideas, showing you which are useful and where to find out more.

Along the way, you"ll learn the essential secrets behind any successful business:

  • the highest priority is to create real value for your customers as efficiently as possible, making money will inevitably follow.

  • get an edge over your competitors using one of three basic methods: constantly innovating; focusing on one small part of the market; or dominating key industry resources

  • make management more effective by helping employees innovate and solve problems themselves

  • keep control of the company by getting the right information at the right time

  • navigate corporate politics without having to becoming a politician

  • always keep one eye on the future
Whether you are an entrepreneur or a manager, an engineer or a salesman, an executive or a simply an interested consumer, this is the book you need to help you make sense of the business world.

Smart Quotes: "People always overestimate how complex business is. This isn"t rocket science" Jack Welch, Former Chairman and CEO, GE Показать

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