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Купить Secrets of a Leadership Coach Library Edition: The Coaching and Leadership Techniques of Marshall Goldsmith, Illustrated with Video, Teaching Executive ... Teambuilding, For Every Manager and, Daniel Farb

Book DescriptionThis title is part of the UniversityOfHealthCare/ UniversityOfBusiness Interactive Training Library, which offers authoritative, clearly written material in an interactive form for better comprehension and documentation of completion. Themanual accompanying the CD provides a summary of the major points of the CD in a handy format. Secrets of a Leadership Coach is a premium leadership training series that brings the wisdom of America"s top CEO coach to every employee and manager. The series has hundreds of video clips, role-plays, and animations. It will result in better leadership, personal interactions, and team building. It contains four main courses: Executive Coaching Techniques, Developing Ourselves as Leaders, Developing Others, and Developing a Team. The package includes a fifth course with practice files and self-assessments that lead you interactively in the creation of your own action plan. Upon the completion of this series, you will be able to describe the coaching and feedback process, define the feedforward process, identify some typical behaviors of leaders that need to be changed, analyze how traditional feedback is different, recognize classic challenges in helping successful people change, explain why leaders don"t always complete the coaching process after starting it, list the 3 steps to encourage feedback, demonstrate how to thank people for their feedback, write the 3 guidelines for responding to feedback, describe how to involve other people in helping one change, discuss the follow-up process, recognize when behavioral coaching will work, assess when behavioral coaching will not work, list the steps in the coaching process, describe how to involve key stakeholders, select supportive coaches, use an experiential activity for feedforward, perform follow-up and mini-survey, identify why team building is important, analyze the steps in the team-building process, illustrate examples of team areas for behavioral change, describe individual areas for behavioral change, and describe communication methods for follow-up. Estimated time: 10-15 hours. 724 pages on CD. 85 pages in the manual. You must have Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher running on your computer. Supported operating systems are Windows 95, 98, 98 SE, ME, 2000,or XP. The CD is licensed to play once on any Windows computer; the borrower may purchase the program after that. One library reference activation is included in the price. Показать

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