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Купить Law of the Web: A Field Guide to Internet Publishing, 2003 Edition, Jonathan D. Hart

Book DescriptionMarket/Audience:
Web Publishers - Internet Content Providers & anyone who publishes content to the Web, does business over the Web, and anyone who develops or maintains websites.

Product Summary:
Over the last two decades, theInternet has grown from a novel means of communication among research scientists into a tool of mass communication essential to the daily lives of millions of people and businesses. The Internet is now widely used to send and receive messages, to buy andsell goods and services, and to access and disseminate information.

Not surprisingly, many legal issues recently addressed by the courts and legislatures in the United States and around the world involve how traditional bodies of law-such as trademark, copyright, defamation, contracts, privacy, and taxation-apply in this new electronic medium. With the author"s helpful analysis and insightful commentary, this book tracks the important legal developments-court cases and legislation-that are now impacting Internet publishing. It also addresses key issues that are likely to become increasingly significant to Internet users and abusers in the coming years.

This book will help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities. Moreover, if your livelihood depends on publishing content on the Web, or protecting those who do, the book provides real-life case-bycase examples of people who were rewarded for doing it right and people who have been busted for doing it wrong. You can learn from their lessons.

Key Features:
* · Case law and legislation explanations
* · Discussion of trademark, copyright, libel and privacy and how these law related to these issues applies to the Internet Показать

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