КМ2024: Статистика

Купить Creating the Marketing Experience : New Strategies for Building Relationships with Your Target Market, Joe Marconi

Book Description Companies small and large are concerned about the increased difficulty in developing marketing vehicles that cut through the clutter and make a positive impact on sales-resistant prospects. To promote products effectively and optimize results, marketers must use all of the tools at their disposal in an integrated plan. In his latest book, marketing and PR authority Joe Marconi helps companies create and maintain an effective marketing experience. Noting that marketing productivity is on the decline due to saturation of sales messages, increased customer indifference, and easily copied competitive advantage, this cutting-edge book illustrates that people need to feel kinship with the product and the marketer. Packed with case studies, thebook helps marketers create the contexts in which prospects can experience the brand on their own terms without an interrupting sales pitch. Combining the best of publicity/PR and marketing, the book reflects the growth of integrated marketing communications and the decline of paid marketing and media. Показать

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