
Купить CCDA Self-Study: Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) 640-861, First Edition, Diane Teare

Gain comprehensive network design foundation learning with this Cisco authorized self-study book for the CCDA 640-861 DESGN exam

  • Master network design skills with this second edition of the CCDA self-study guide
  • Understand the principles of Cisco"s Enterprise Composite Network Model for effective network design
  • Prepare for the 640-861 DESGN exam while learning how to build a scalable, robust, accessible, and secure network architecture

CCDA Self-Study: Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) is a fully updated and revised edition of Designing Cisco Networks. This title offers comprehensive, foundation learning on designing small routed and switched networks. As an early-stage exam preparation tool, the book provides detailed coverage of all CCDA 640-861 exam objectives.
This title presents a broad range of network design principles and guidelines. Readers learn about the Enterprise Composite Network Model and how it simplifies the complexity of modern network design. The book teaches readers how to design campus networks in a hierarchical, modular fashion, design WAN networks, develop an IP network addressing scheme, and select optimal routing protocols for various designs. Readersalso learn how to assess security solutions and the implications of voice traffic over a data network. A running case study puts readers in the role of a network administrator tasked with proposing solutions to common design problems. Chapter-ending review questions reinforce chapter topics, and job aids support real-world applications.
What"s New in This Edition?
This book is revised to align to the new DESGN course and exam. It also includes new coverage on several topics including: WAN protocols, Routing topics, FCAPS, and service levels. Also included are significant updates on network security design issues, voice network design issues, and IPv6. Показать

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