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Купить Women of Bible Lands: A Pilgrimage to Compassion and Wisdom (Michael Glazier Books), Martha Ann Kirk

Book DescriptionWomen of Bible Lands is an anthology of biblical and early stories about Jewish, Christian, and Muslim women from the nineteenth century B.C.E. to the ninth century C.E. Ancient words and journeys strengthen modern readers for a challenging pilgrimage from the head to the heart as they travel in spirit through the Holy Land to Greece, Turkey, and North Africa.

Part One: Reclaiming Women’s Stories and Journeys discusses the types of women that have been remembered in the Christiantradition and examines the scarcity of women’s writings and the possibilities of women’s oral tradition within the Bible and other early sources. Chapters in Part One are: "Shards and Stories," "’As a Mother Hen Gathers Her Brood Under HerWings,’" "The Pilgrimage to the Womb of Compassion," "Seeking the True Cross, Seeking the True Helena," "Ascetic Life, an Inner Journey; Paula and Egeria, Their Outer and Inner Journeys," and "Guides for Reading."

Part Two: Stories, Sites, and Maps includes introductions to the sites, maps, information about or by women or female images of God, and selections from the Bible or an early Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Coptic, Syriac, or Arabic text. Chapters in Part Two are: "The Old City of Jerusalem," "Other Sites in Jerusalem," "Sites in Israel and Palestine," "Sinai, Egypt, and Tunisia," "Iran, Iraq, Jordan," "Lebanon and Syria," "Greece and the Mediterranean Islands," and "Turkey." Показать

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