Купить Vietnam Inc, Philip Jones Griffiths
First published in 1971, Vietnam Inc. was crucial in changing public attitudes in the United States, turning the tide of opinion and ultimately helping to put an end to the Vietnam War. Philip Jones Griffiths" classic account of the war was the outcome of three years" reporting and is one of the most detailed surveys of any conflict. Showing us the true horrors of the war as well as a study of Vietnamese rural life, the author creates a compelling argument against the de-humanizing power of the modern war machine and American imperialism. Rare and highly sought-after, the book has become one of the enduring classics of photo-journalism. It is now available in this new edition a careful recreation of the original with Philip Jones Griffiths" personal layouts and commentaries. A new introduction by US linguist and political critic Noam Chomsky discusses the book"s impact in changing public opinion. Показать
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