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Купить The Packaging Designer's Book of Patterns, Laszlo Roth, George L. Wybenga

Fifteen years after the first edition of this landmark resource, "The Packaging Designer"s Book of Pattern" continues its long tradition as a useful tool in the ever-changing world of packaging design. This third edition features more than fifty new patterns and new material on the latest advances in closures.
This unparalleled, hands-on resource gives designers the advantage they need to successfully meet any packaging challenge. Every pattern has been test-constructed to verify dimensional accuracy and is ready to be traced, scanned, or photocopied for immediate use. The patterns can be scaled to suit particular specifications - many are easily converted to alternate uses - and most details are easily customizable.

This new third edition includes:

  • A broad array of patterns for folding cartons, trays, tubes, sleeves, wraps, folders, corrugated cartons, point-of-purchase displays, and more;
  • Patterns that are based on the use of 1 00% recyclable paper materials;
  • Clue areas on patterns that are clearly indicated with black dots.

    "The Packaging Designer"s Book of Patterns", third edition is a powerful tool to help packaging designers gain an edge over the competition. 3 edition. Показать

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