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Купить Your Blog, Your Business: A Retailer's Frugal Guide to Getting Customer Loyalty and Sales-Both In-Store and Online, Carolyn Howard-Johnson

Blogging is an essential part of a retailer"s online marketing plan, yet many retailers avoid it because they dread its intricacies, the time it may consume in their busy schedules, or the unease they feel about finding meaningful material. "Your Blog, Your Business" addresses those fears with nitty-gritty, practical ideas for minimizing each of them. It helps businesses-large or small, online or off-set up a blog, integrate it with their other social networks, and manage it frugally. It gives retailers the benefit of Carolyn Howard-Johnson"s nearly three decades experience as founder and manager of her own chain of stores and stints as a New York publicist, a retail consultant and journalist. She also runs several blogs of her own and contributes to countless others. It is the second in the Survive and Thrive series for retailers in her USA Book News award-winning HowToDoItFrugally.com books. Her blog for the retail trade is at www.frugalretailing.blogspot.com. Показать

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